News and Events

Dublin City Football Development Course 2020/2021

It’s not your average football course. We’re enrolling for a year-long course where you can train in the gym and play football every day. Plus:

  • Get a  QQI Level 4 in Sport & Recreation
  • Become a qualified lifeguard and First Aider

You’ll get a training allowance on top of your social welfare payment. 

The course is open to applicants age 18-35 who are already on a SW payment. It’s open to men and women.

Ring Ger (083) 303 2754 or Amy (085) 812 3889 for an informal interview or just more information.  

Little Treasures Graduation, 2020

On 29 July, Little Treasures held its yearly graduation ceremony.

Because of Covid 19 we couldn’t have our usual celebration. Instead, we did a socially-distanced graduation in our outdoor play area next to the crèche.  Eight of the nine children due to start ‘Big School’ this Autumn came. It was a lovely sunny day and the children enjoyed a McDonalds take-away afterwards. The parents had a great time as well.

All the children received a St. Christopher medal to guide and protect them on their journey ahead.